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Cover: Bee or Wasp?

SLJ Review of Spot the Differences

Engaging animal comparisons are presented in a question-and-answer format. Text provides simple facts about the two animals. Readers examine the accompanying photograph, then try to identify it based on the words and image: “A frog has webbed feet. A toad does not. Which is this?” (Frog… View →

Cover: Science Behind the Colors

SLJ Review of Science Behind the Colors

Photographs in this series showcase the colors of various animals in beautiful detail. Easily understood text explains the causes of and reasons for the colors, such as camouflage, mating display, or even as a warning to enemies. Nonfiction features include labels on the photos, “Did You View →

Cover: Mindful Cooking

SLJ Review of Mindful Cooking

Moving beyond deep breaths and yoga mats, these titles incorporate mindfulness practices into common middle grade activities like dancing and crafting. It is a clever expansion that builds on a secular understanding of mindfulness and its uses in daily activities to boost mental… View →

Cover: Iker's Incredible Immune System

SLJ Review of Let's Look at Body Systems!

Take a look under human skin and explore the fun world of anatomy and physiology with this early chapter series about how systems work in the body. The step-by-step processes take readers through each part of the body and talk about the interconnected aspect of how systems work. The… View →

Cover: Meet the Community Helpers!

SLJ Review of Meet the Community Helpers

Early readers will love to learn about how veterinarians, bus drivers, construction workers, and garbage collectors work hard to serve people and animals in their communities. Each book features common situations associated with each job: Dr. Jenny has a busy day treating animals at her… View →

Cover: Whole Wide World

SLJ Review of Whole Wide World

This series continues to balance information with an eye-catching format, highlighting landmarks around the world. There are about three chapters that are six pages long and contain full-page pictures that accompany short paragraphs throughout. The beginning of each title starts with… View →

Cover: Los perros de búsqueda y rescate (Search and Rescue Dogs)

SLJ Review of Los trabajos de los perros (Dogs on Duty)

Repetition, early words, and simple narrative structure are major strengths in this series about the many service functions performed by working dogs. Herding dogs, military dogs, search and rescue dogs, and service dogs are profiled in these Spanish/English books for early readers who… View →

Cover: Thanksgiving

Booklist Review of Thanksgiving

Starting with a quick version of the traditional story of the origins of Thanksgiving (with a glancing nod to contemporary Indigenous people’s alternate gathering to “remember those who died after colonists arrived”), this Holiday History series (7 titles) volume still… View →

Cover: Baby Animals in the Wild!

SLJ Series Made Simple Review of Baby Animals in the Wild

Basic information about the lives of young wild animals is ably supported by excellent photographs. Short, declarative sentences cover food, grooming, play, and social groups, often with a single fact or two about each topic: “Tiger cubs are born! They drink their mother’s… W View →

Cover: Brainpower

SLJ Series Made Simple Review of Brainpower

Answer the question of what is going on inside a person’s brain when they feel strong emotions by looking at each individually and talking through the experiences, both chemical and biological. The families and children depicted across these titles come from diverse… Mo View →

Cover: Fairy Tale Phonics

SLJ Series Made Simple Review of Fairy Tale Phonics

Through the lens of fairy tales and magical creatures, this series presents different phonics concepts through short, narrative stories. Each book shares an original, fictional tale that focuses on one phonics area, such as word families and consonant… Readers are invited to View →

Cover: I See Animal Textures!

SLJ Series Made Simple Review of I See Animal Textures

Different animal textures, such as fur, scales, and shells, are described in this series for early readers. Written with a controlled vocabulary, each title begins with a visual glossary that shares the important terms used throughout the book. The books emphasize the animals’ physical… View →

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