Editorial Review
SLJ Review of Science Behind the Colors

Photographs in this series showcase the colors of various animals in beautiful detail. Easily understood text explains the causes of and reasons for the colors, such as camouflage, mating display, or even as a warning to enemies. Nonfiction features include labels on the photos, “Did You Know?” text boxes that offer extra details, maps, diagrams, and a glossary for helpful terms.
Tips for parents and teachers start each book by suggesting ways to help young readers with their comprehension before, during, and after reading. There is also a hands-on activity that may be done with simple materials from around the house, like coffee filters, markers, or string. And, as with all Jump! titles, readers have access to a curated list of websites through the “FactSurfer” link.
VERDICT These are a recommended purchase for any library; perfect for readers who can’t get enough animal books.