Editorial Review
¿De dónde viene? (Where Does It Come From?) - Reviewed by School Library Journal

This series is perfect for kids who have ever wondered where their socks come from or how bicycles are made. The origins of socks, bicycles, crayons, paper, glass housewares, and clothing are presented through large color photos, fast facts, and simple diagrams. Some pages include both text and pictures, while others only include a photo and a simple diagram. Most of the books are about 25 pages in length, making this series ideal for slightly more advanced readers in first and second grade. Another thing that makes these books slightly more advanced is the longer sentences, blocks of color behind the text instead of white space, page numbers, and a table of contents. These books are great for readers who are transitioning from reading with a caregiver to reading independently, but also make a great choice for bilingual group read-alouds. VERDICT A versatile choice for daycares, ECE classrooms, and public and school libraries.