Editorial Review

Great Wall of China - Reviewed by Booklist

Cover: Great Wall of China

The discussion opens with a history of China’s Great Wall, which began more than 2,500 years ago as segments built by warring kingdoms. After the first emperor gained control of all of China in 221 BCE, many of the old walls were connected to provide a barrier against northern invaders. Parts of the wall served as lookout towers for defense, while others housed the soldiers who controlled border crossings. At 13,000 miles, the Great Wall of China remains "the longest structure made by humans.” The book’s relatively short text is pertinent and accessible, while the many colorful photos are excellent in their composition and clarity. Two simplified digital drawings—a map and a diagram showing features of the wall—serve their purposes well. A worthwhile book in the Whole Wide World series (8 titles).
— Carolyn Phelan

—Carolyn Phelan

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