Editorial Review

Booklist (Miriam Aronin)

Cover: Resisting Bullying

This title in the Building Character series (7 titles) uses short, direct sentences to relay examples of kids responding to instance of bullying in helpful ways, such as saying “Stop” or walking away. Vocabulary words (“bully,” “tease,” “cyberbully,” “buddy”) are highlighted in the text and defined in the picture glossary. Neither the examples nor the accompanying stock photos feel particularly compelling, but they do get the message across. A “Help Stop Bullying” page in the back matter summarizes the five anti-bullying techniques introduced in the text and presents a project: making a hand-outline poster as a reminder of these techniques. While children may not be independently drawn to this book, parents and teachers may find it a helpful and straightforward tool to aid in discussions about preventing bullying. —Miriam Aronin

—Miriam Aronin

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