Editorial Review

Booklist (Daniel Kraus)

Cover: Orange

Books about colors tend to be, you know, colorful, but this book is really colorful. Double-page spreads are simply awash in rich shades of orange, depicting such naturally found plants and animals as carrots, birds, tigers, lilies, and much more. With each example, Rustad asks why the particular shade exists. “I see a sunset. Why is the sky orange? Dust makes it look orange.” Though some answers are less satisfying (“It is ready to be picked” may not be scientific enough for young minds curious about pumpkins), this is nonetheless a welcome second level of complexity. Back matter includes a chart of shades—a nice touch, considering the impressive panoply, from a pale peach octopus to deep orange butterflies. The whole Colors in Nature series is worth consideration.

—Daniel Kraus

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